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Australian Relief Organisation 
So far have raised
...and counting as of 01 April 2025
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By selecting us as your Good Cause when you shop, every time you purchase an item, we will receive a donation to help us make a difference. 

About Australian Relief Organisation

Australian Relief Organisation (ARO) is a large non-profit and non-government organisation that is involved in development, relief, and advocacy activities for a better world. 

Their mission is to serve humanity. To realize this mission, they engage in community service support and emergency relief in Australia. Their global focus, on the other hand, is on sustainable development, health, humanitarian aid and emergency relief activities. 

Since their establishment in 2012, the Australian Relief Organisation have spread their network of support in more than 20 countries and carry out over 100 programs around the globe, involving people of every age, interest and need.

How it works

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A donation is made to your Good Cause

A donation is made to a Good Cause on every purchase. 

How your money helps
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Refugee/Asylum Seeker Project

Many asylum seekers are struggling with complex issues in Australia, as they are away from their network of family support. They are also isolated from their local community with no work or study rights as well as no travel concession entitlements. The ARO, in collaboration with the SSI (Settlement Services International) launched this project to help such families.

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NSW Flood Relief

Currently, Australian Relief Organisation is gathering donations to support individuals, families, and businesses who have affected by the floods across the state of New South Wales. The floods caused widespread damage in the affected areas.

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Palestine Emergency Relief

The ARO has commenced this relief campaign to aid millions of Palestinians, children and elderly that live below the poverty line. With the ongoing conflict, pandemic, and recent violent clashes, the people of Palestine are in need of support.

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