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...and counting as of 22 February 2025
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About Cancer Wellness Support

Cancer Wellness Support exists to offer a range of complementary therapies to assist and support individuals and their families throughout their cancer experience. These therapies are not intended to replace recommended medical interventions, but to mitigate some of the negative aspects of cancer and its treatment and minimise some of the residual effects, such as lymphoedema. Cancer Wellness Support also offers lifestyle education and group support experiences for its members, which encourage a healthy approach to recovery and wellness. These services are delivered by a range of qualified therapists, based in the local community, at a subsidised cost to the client.

How it works
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A donation is made to a Good Cause on every purchase. 

How your money helps
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Cancer can be an unfamiliar and uncharted territory for a person and for their family and friends. Counselling can help create the space to look at and make sense of your thoughts and feelings. A counsellor’s task is to provide a non-judgmental ‘listening’ space to allow you to explore your thoughts and feelings. Talking therapy gives you time to create new ways of viewing your inner and outer world and all counselling is confidential.

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Complementary Therapies

With over 50 fully trained and insured therapists, Cancer Wellness Support provides our member clients and their families/carers with a large range of subsidised therapies including Acupuncture, Bowen Therapy, Counselling, Lymphoedema Management, Massage, Naturopathy, Reflexology and Reiki. Cancer treatment can be enhanced by the use of natural therapies. Therapies may assist in managing the side effects of radiation and chemotherapy through reducing the severity of symptoms and promoting self care and relaxation.

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Mind Body Education

Research shows that regular mindfulness practice is effective in reducing stress and thereby improving immune function and health outcomes.  It also results in improved mental function and reduced levels of anxiety, depression and chronic pain.  Group sessions are held at both Cancer Wellness Support centres.

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