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...and counting as of 31 March 2025
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By selecting us as your Good Cause when you shop, every time you purchase an item, we will receive a donation to help us make a difference. 

About Children's Cancer Foundation

The Children’s Cancer Foundation is a dedicated team working with like-minded individuals and organisations to fund world-class clinical research and clinical care, and quality family support programs. 

The challenge of childhood cancer is real, and they won’t rest until it’s gone. They know that better, kinder treatment is possible, and are making it happen. 

The Children’s Cancer Foundation was founded in 1992 by parents who envisioned more welcoming and spirited treatment environments for children, and practical support for families in this disease that ultimately affects them all for life. 

The guiding light of the parent’s experience continues today with strong representation with their board, committees and volunteers.

How it works
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Nominate or choose a good cause that is important to you at checkout.

A donation is made to your Good Cause

A donation is made to a Good Cause on every purchase. 

How your money helps
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Brighten Their Days Project (World Creativity and Innovation Week)

Brighten the day of a child with cancer. Your kind donation In April will support our funding of art and music therapy treatment programs in children’s hospitals around the country. 

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Support. Partnership. Advocacy. Change. Research.

While survival rates of most childhood cancers have improved over the last twenty years, sadly, only 22% of children will survive a brain tumour. We are prioritising investment in research programs to improve this statistic.

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Go Gold for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

Gold represents strength, courage and resilience. Gold is rare and precious – just like children! Going gold in September symbolises global solidarity towards all children affected by cancer and their families. 

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