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...and counting as of 01 April 2025
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By selecting us as your Good Cause when you shop, every time you purchase an item, we will receive a donation to help us make a difference. 

About headspace

headspace is the National Youth Mental Health Foundation providing early intervention mental health services to 12-25-year olds. Each year, headspace helps thousands of young people access vital support through our headspace services in 138 communities across Australia[1], our online and phone counselling services, our vocational services, and our presence in schools. headspace can help young people with mental health, physical health (including sexual health) alcohol and other drug services, and work and study support. For locations of headspace services, as well as factsheets and resources for young people and their families and friends, please visit the headspace website: headspace.org.au

[1] As at July 2021 and inclusive of licensed headspace centres, satellites and outposts        

How it works
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Choose your Good Cause

Nominate or choose a Good Cause that is important to you at checkout.

A donation is made to your Good Cause

A donation is made to a Good Cause on every purchase. 

How your money helps
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Online communities

Online Communities is a place where young people, family and friends can share and explore helpful resources and participate in headspace clinically supported Peer Chats. Funds raised help make this service available and also support headspace to increase the number of Peer Chats, reaching more young people and families.

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Support for families

Family support is pivotal to the health and wellbeing of young people, and their participation can be key in reducing the severity of mental health challenges and facilitating recovery in their young people. Funds raised help increase our support and available services for families across the headspace network.

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Youth peer work

Our Peer Support model of care aims to harness peer workers’ lived experience to provide connection, sharing, learning, and support to young people. Funds raised will contribute to the headspace peer support training program, which will help equip peer workers with the skills they need to provide safe and effective support for young people.

Be part of something Better
raised for Good Causes