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ShelterBox Australia
So far have raised
...and counting as of 22 February 2025
Help make a difference

By selecting us as your Good Cause when you shop, every time you purchase an item, we will receive a donation to help us make a difference. 

About ShelterBox Australia

ShelterBox is an international disaster relief organisation, specialising in emergency shelter. Our purpose is to provide emergency shelter to families who have lost their home to disaster, enabling them to rebuild their lives.

We go to hard to reach communities, often those overlooked by others, to provide vulnerable families with a place to call home and a opportunity to recover.

Every disaster is different and so is every community, so we spend time with those affected to make sure we can offer the right support at the right time to help them recover. Our teams can travel by boat, helicopter or tuk-tuk to get to the families who need your support – ‘whatever it takes’ to get to the people who have lost their homes to disaster.

How it works

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Choose your Good Cause

Nominate or choose a Good Cause that is important to you at checkout.

A donation is made to your Good Cause

A donation is made to a Good Cause on every purchase. 

How your money helps
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Delivering Aid

We deliver emergency aid and essentials that people need to begin rebuilding their lives in the aftermath of a disaster.

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The emergency aid we supply comes in the form of ShelterBoxes and ShelterKits. Our sturdy green ShelterBoxes contain family-sized tents specially designed to withstand the elements and provide people with temporary shelter until they are able to start the process of rebuilding a home.

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Rebuilding Communities

Each disaster is different, and so is every community. We don’t believe that one size fits all, so we make considered assessments to provide the exact support that gives people the hope and the power to transform their own lives.

Be part of something Better
donated to Good Causes