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...and counting as of 22 February 2025
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By selecting us as your Good Cause when you shop, every time you purchase an item, we will receive a donation to help us make a difference. 

About Youngcare

Youngcare is a not-for-profit organisation creating choice and independence for young people (aged 16 – 65) with disabilities by providing fully accessible and age-appropriate homes, grants for equipment and home modifications and support through a national phone line. Youngcare believes that ALL young people, regardless of their care needs, deserve the freedom to choose where they live, to choose who they live with and to choose how they live their lives. It’s a freedom we all deserve, which is why it’s up to all of us to make sure it happens.

How it works

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Choose your Good Cause

Nominate or choose a Good Cause that is important to you at checkout.

A donation is made to your Good Cause

A donation is made to a Good Cause on every purchase. 

How your money helps
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Youngcare's High Care Housing

There are more than 4,800 young people with disabilities living in aged care. Youngcare has led the way in providing age-appropriate and premium accommodation solutions for young people with physical disabilities. For years we have been working with architects, developers and residents to help young people with disabilities living in, or at risk of entering institutional housing, but there is still a significant gap in disability housing in Australia.

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Youngcare's Grants

Youngcare’s grants programs are changing lives by providing vital funding for equipment, home modifications and emergency respite care. The grants support young people with physical disabilities to exit and avoid moving into housing that is not appropriate such as aged care, hospital or a rehabilitation centre.

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Youngcare Connect

Youngcare Connect is a free national information and support line, assisting families to navigate the often-complicated health, housing and disability systems. Staffed by a dedicated and qualified team, Youngcare Connect links individuals to disability service providers, guides people to understanding and accessing the NDIS and Specialist Disability Accommodation and assists with applying for funding and grants.

Be part of something Better
raised for Good Causes